How to reach passive candidates for your hard-to-fill jobs

Research has shown that top talent is rarely looking for employment. Therefore, focusing your recruitment efforts on reaching only active job seekers restricts your chances of finding the best candidate. This is especially true when looking for candidates to fill niche roles.

How to reach more passive candidates for your hard-to-fill roles?

Passive job seekers are professionals that are currently employed, who may or may not be happy in their current roles but too busy with work and life to be actively searching for new opportunities. Reaching that demographic with your job opportunity is the difference between finding “good talent” and “great talent.”

The challenge in connecting with passive professionals is that there are limited access points for their attention. You might have the perfect job opportunity, but how do you reach your target audience?

Online recruitment makes the answer to that question simple. You can reach thousands of niche professionals who are members of professional associations. When you post your job openings on a professional association job board, you are targeting candidates with the exact skills and experience you are looking for.

Connecting with your target audience.

Specific packages and upgrades on the association’s job board will send your job directly to members inboxes. YM Careers sends a twice-monthly jobs newsletter on behalf of our customers to their members and registered job seekers called Job Flash(TM). Our Job Flash email has open rates high above industry standards and is a proven driver of career center traffic.

Appealing to select candidates.

Capturing a passive job seeker’s interest can be as simple as your job’s location, company culture, benefits, or a higher salary. A passive professional can see your job ad on their phone during a lunch break or while visiting your association website, have an extra hard workday the following week then decide to further research your job opportunity and apply.

There are many online recruitment options available today but failing to advertise your job openings to the passive audience is a mistake when hiring niche talent. Don’t miss out on opportunities to reach these high-performing professionals. Focus your online recruitment budget on products that grow job exposure to a qualified, active and passive, job seeker audience.


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